About me
Hi, I'm hazelhen.
I'm a fan of SF6, Photography, Art, and especially Night In The Woods. I originally made this site back in 2024 January as a part of my stem class, but ended up getting really demovitvated and stopped working on it.
I'm planning on using this site now just as a fully personal thing. I'll be posting whatever I want, write however im feeling, and if I end up getting demovitaved again expect this site to stop getting updates.
The site is still in very early development so don't expect everything to work very well. I'm new to this be polite plsā„
There's also M.I.A.H. partially self insert, partially just a character, mostly just a graffiti tag.

MIAH Stands for Missing In Action Happily if you care. I know its supposed to have the dots after every word cuz its an acronym but idc. Yeah its corny a little but I thought it seemed cool. I'm really bad at drawing so expect any drawings you see from me to look bad.